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Brazilian energy matrix highlighted in UN forum

Published:2015-12-04        Views:4046        Back to list
Brazilian energy matrix is highlighted in the UN forum in New York
Source: Press Office of Eletrobras
Brazil was the only country invited to present its expertise in renewable energy at the annual forum of the Sustainable Energy initiative for All (SE4ALL), that ended today (6) at the headquarters of the United Nations (UN), in New York. The forum, among other objectives, officially launched the United Nations Decade for the Sustainable Energy for All (2014-2024).
"Brazil will continue in the leadership of the world production of renewable energy in the next two decades, and the presentation on its electro-energetic matrix aimed to give to other countries the successful experience in the areas in focus for the UN initiative", the General Director of Centro de Pesquisas de Energia Elétrica (Electric Energy Research Center) - Cepel, Albert Melo, who integrated the delegation of the Ministry of Mines and Energy in the event. Eletrobras Cepel is the technical representative of the Ministry in the initiative.
Melo participated in the session "Renewable Energy-The Brazilian Expertise", held in the afternoon of June 4, and that was also attended by José Antonio Coimbra, Chief of Office of the Ministry of Mines and Energy; Altino Ventura, Secretary of Energy Development and Planning of the Ministry; and Jorge Samek, Brazilian General Director of Itaipu Binacional.
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